Residential Pools

Spas and Small Pools

Ponds And Waterfalls

ECOsmarte Cloud

Glass Pack®

Glass Filtration Media

Better Than DE Quality

Superior Cleaning • Safer to Use • Lower Operating Costs: Easy Install and Maintenance

Finely crushed recycled glass for pool, industrial, and environmental filtration that provides outstanding water clarity and quality - a direct replacement for sand or ZEOlite in both freshwater and saltwater pools.

Superior Cleaning

Safer to Use

Lower Operating Costs: Easy Install and Maintenance

Fresh or Saltwater Superior Filtration

For Use in Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Environmental Applications

ECOsmarte® glass is made from 100% recycled glass. It is crushed, dried at 250 degrees Fahrenheit and screened into various sized fractions to achieve optimal filtration properties.

As the grains are nearly all angular in shape and have a fairly high degree of sphericity, the filter bed tends to have more opened packing resulting in better permeability than a filter of spherical silica grains.

Because glass is amorphous and has no internal crystal structure, the particles are homogenous and have no grain boundaries. This gives glass more resistance to breakdown through filtration backwashing cycles.

Furthermore the lack of grain boundaries minimizes cracks where bacteria can lodge and resist flushing in back washing.

Glass particles have a slight negative charge on their surface, which tend to hold onto fine particles during the filtration cycle. Upon backwashing, this weak charge releases these fine particles to the effluent, thereby contributing to better filtration action. There is less water to the better permeability of a glass filter.

As crushed glass is lighter than silica sand; between 15 and 20% less glass is needed to fill a filtration unit. (The overall weight in the filter is equal when factoring in the pea gravel base). With the better filtration characteristics and lower density glass is a superior filtration media for many filtration applications. Glass filter media is being used in storm water runoff filtration systems as a replacement for silica sand. Using glass not only results in a good performance, but in real cost benefits over the life of a filter bed.

Using ECOsmarte’s glass water filtration media results not only in outstanding performance, but in real cost benefits over the life of a filter bed.

Savings with Glass

Based on Filtration for a 24" Pool Filter
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*Glass also provides added savings due to reduced chemical use, and easier/less frequent backwashing.
(These costs are not reflected above.)

Glass at a Glance

Technical Data

• Specific Gravity: 2.50
• Bulk Density: 75lbs/cu.ft.
• Effective Size: Ranges from 0.30 to 1.10mm
• Coefficient of Uniformity: Ranges from 1.45 to 1.80
• Estimated Sphericity: Approx. 0.40
• Porosity: Typically 48%
• Shape: Angular to sub-angular
• Permeability: Typically 4.0 X 10-1cm/sec
• Physical Composition: Amorphous soda-lime glass