USA Pool, City and Well Water Testimonials

2024 | Shawnee, Kansas | Pool

ECOsmarte Ron Keith, Shawnee, KS Pool Testimonial 2024

2024 | Brentwood, CA - Fifteen Plus Years | Pool

We moved into our new house in Brentwood (Los Angeles) in 2008. We were moving from Connecticut where we had deep well water (700 feet deep) that tasted as pure as anything sold as pure water. We were very concerned about using a municipal water system, especially in LA given many horror stories about the quality and taste of LA water. We did our research and found out about ECOsmarte systems. The idea that we could have a whole house treatment system, with the capabilities of a municipal treatment system was almost too good to be believed. We gave it a shot, not only for the house water but also for our pool, especially as we did not want to use Salt or Chlorine in our pool or our house.

Fifteen years later, we are as ecstatic as we were when the system was first installed. Both systems have operated virtually maintenance-free, with only one repair needed in 10 years of operation for both systems. The water tastes as great today as it did ten years ago. Showers are special as the water just feels great. You have to experience to "feel" the difference and there is never any smell of chlorine. Swimming in the pool is also a treat, as there is no smell, no stinging in the eyes, and a smoothness that is difficult to explain - it just feels clean.

If I were to move to a new house, anywhere, whether Los Angeles or any other part of the country, I would install an ECOsmarte system before I moved in.

Thank you,

Steve Scharkss

Brentwood, CA

2024 | Anaheim, California | Pool

ECOsmarte Ken Vargha, Anaheim, CA 2024 Pool Testimonial

2024 | Long Island, NY | Pool

"The water looks better than it did with chlorine!"

- John Harooni

Long Island, NY

2019 | College Station, Texas | Well Water (2018-2024)

We recently built our dream home in a rural area. Our wellwater was full of sulfur. After researching several companies, we chose BCSPure Water and the ECOsmarte water system because of its chemical finecleaning. So far, we love it.


Roland and Beth

Burleson, Texas | Pool | 2024

ECOsmarte Jean Suitt, Burleson, TX 2024 Pool Testimonial Pic

2024 | Sebastian, Florida | Pool

I have been a Ecosmarte customer since 2002 on a stainless steel side pool in Michigan and a plaster pool in SE Florida. The system maintains my pools crystal clear with minimal time and zero chlorine or salt.

John Bouwens

2022 | Florida | Pool

"When we purchased our hot tub, I wanted water that did not feel like we were soaking in bleach.  You know that feeling, your skin gets TIGHT and DRY, and the smell is SO strong.  

In our research, we learned that the salt systems were just another way of making chlorine.  We started with OxySpa (potassium peroxymonosulfate) which was touted as the ideal non-chlorine oxidizer but it wasn’t ideal for us as it caused my husband to suffer persistent rashes.  

I found ECOsmarte and it sounded like a dream come true.  It did take some time to get the system established but the support we received was AWESOME.  

The system does require an initial investment but ALL that we have purchased to support the system are five gallon jugs of muriatic acid for around five bucks which have lasted a very long time.

Our water is always CRYSTAL CLEAR with very little maintenance and has no smell or any kind of drying effects.  My husband practically lives in our hot tub and couldn’t be happier with our ECOsmarte system".

Angie Sills

Missouri | Well Water 2008-2024

About eight years ago I saw your booth at the National WQA show and decided to install your system on ourpool. After putting in glass media in our sand filter, we are extremely impressed and completly out of the chemicals. I have since used several of your well water systems on sites with high iron and odor. Customers love them.

Everett Jones,

St. Louis, MS

Jones Air & Water

2018 | Kawaihae, Hawaii | City Water (2015-2024)

Our pool is always perfect and for the last three years, we have been referring people to you. We love how easy it is to be CHEMICAL FREE. We also eliminated our saltwater softener which makes us truly healthy and Eco-friendly.

Kawaihae, Hawaii (Big Island)

Customer's Pool

2021 | Florida | Pool

"I would owe you and ECOsmarte  a sincere thanks.

My story is that about 7 years ago I developed a reaction to bromine and chlorine, if I go swimming or use a hot tub it’s so bad I have to get a steroid shot.

So I have tried a few times to see if things changed and they did not. I asked many pool stores and hot tub places if anything else. Of course they said no. They make a lot of money selling chemicals. I have seen your ad, I believe on Facebook, and I started doing some research, read some great reviews and read some bad.

Took the plunge and purchased for my Florida home. I took a few days to get the water right as per your instructions.

Now the outcome,

I have had a hot tub every day sometimes twice in the last 8 days and I feel tremendous in every way. No rash almost clear water, little more tweaking to do, no smell to water, ECOsmarte has changed my life. Looking forward to this summer after I install one in my pool. I have 10 grandchildren that swim in our pool and I could never enjoy it with them."

My Heartfelt thanks,

David Tarzwell

Customer's Pool

2024 | Friendswood, Texas | Pool

Had it since 2023 and it's been wonderful for my wife's skin condition having non-chlorinated water.

Thomas Roell

2018 | Kawaihae, Hawaii | Pool

Our pool is always perfect and for the last three years, we have been referring people to you. We love how easy it is to be CHEMICAL FREE. We also eliminated our saltwater softener which makes us truly healthy and Eco-friendly.

Customer's Pool

2019 | College Station, Texas | Well Water (2018-2024)

We recently built our dream home in a rural area. Our wellwater was full of sulfur. After researching several companies, we chose BCSPure Water and the ECOsmarte water system because of its chemical fine cleaning. So far, we love it.


Roland and Beth

2024 | Louisville, Kentucky | Pool

Lauren Theiss, Louisville, KY 2024 Pool Testimonial

2019 | Brentwood, CA | 2008-2024 | City Water

We moved into our new house in Brentwood(Los Angeles) in 2008. We were moving from Connecticut where we had deep well water (700 feet deep) that tasted pure as anything. We were very concerned about using a municipal water system, especially in LA given many horror stories about quality and taste of LA water. We did our research and found out about ECOsmarte systems. The idea that we could have a whole house water treatment system , with the capabilities of a municipal treatment system was almost too good to believe. We gave it a shot, not only for the house but also for our pool, especially as we did not want to use salt or chlorine n our pool or our house.

Ten years later, we are as ecstatic as we were when the system was first installed. Both systems have operated virtually maintenance free, wiht only one repair needed in 10 years of operation for both systems. You have to experience to "feel" the difference and there is never any smell of chlorine. Swimming in the pool is a treat, as there is no smell, no stinging in the eyes, and a smoothness that is difficult to explain - it just feels clean. If I were to move to a new house, anywhere, whether Los Angeles or any other part of the country, I would install an ECOsmarte system before I moved in.

Thank you,

Steve Scharkss,

Brentwood, CA

2024 | El Paso, Texas | Pool

The water is just fantastic, no chlorine smell, no dry skin or itchy eyes, you will love this thing!

Carlos Gonzalez

2019 | Brentwood, CA| City Water (2008-2024)

We moved into our new house in Brentwood (Los Angeles) in 2008. We were moving from Connecticut where we had deep well water (700 feet deep) that tasted as pure as anything sold as pure water. We were very concerned about using a municipal water system, especially in LA given many horror stories about the quality and taste of LA water. We did our research and found out about ECOsmarte systems. The idea that we could have a whole house treatment system, with the capabilities of a municipal treatment system was almost too good to be believed. We gave it a shot, not only for the house water but also for our pool, especially as we did not want to use Salt or Chlorine in our pool or our house.

Ten years later, we are as ecstatic as we were when the system was first installed. Both systems have operated virtually maintenance-free, with only one repair needed in 10 years of operation for both systems. The water tastes as great today as it did ten years ago. Showers are special as the water just feels great. You have to experience to "feel" the difference and there is never any smell of chlorine. Swimming in the pool is also a treat, as there is no smell, no stinging in the eyes, and a smoothness that is difficult to explain - it just feels clean.

If I were to move to a new house, anywhere, whether Los Angeles or any other part of the country, I would install an ECOsmarte system before I moved in.

Thank you,

Steve Scharkss

Brentwood, CA

Greenville, North Carolina | Well Water

ECOsmarte -

Thank you for restoring my full facility well water system to its original quality level. In 1997 when I purchased the system I primarily wanted to get rid of the iron, manganese, and odors. We have come to learn it prevents biofilms and bacteria in both the plumbing lines and operating tubes.

Danny Quallontine, DDS
Greenville, North Carolina

Arizona | Pool Since 1997

... As a side note, my ECOsmarte has been installed in my pool since 1997 and continues to work with great satisfaction. Best decision we ever made in installing this system. We love our chlorine-free pool!

Very Best,

Walter Kozlov
Oro Valley, AZ

2018 | Roanoke, Virginia | Pool

Dear ECOsmarte,

Your system has served my pool well this year. The system was installed in October of 2004, and when I opened the pool in May of 2005 the water was crystal clear and blue. Your friendly staff helped me with several questions about the system's workings and are available readily by phone. I just closed the pool for this year and I'm very happy with the ease of maintenance that I had all this summer!

Thank you for fourteen years,

Kerry Viar

Roanoke, VA

2018 | Florida | Pool - My Dogs Live Longer

"I have had pools in one form or another since 1978. I started of course with chlorine for sanitation and clarity in all my pools. I have always loved owning Labrador and Golden Retriever dogs. Of course, my dogs loved to swim in the pool as much as possible, as all dogs do. The problem is they kept getting sick and they kept dying off - 3 dogs in a row, about 5-6 years of age: spleen cancer, bladder cancer, and stomach tumors. I thought it was just coincidence at first, then bad luck or later thought it was just the sad price to pay when you had a dog and a pool, as you can't keep a dog out of a pool and you can't keep a pool clean without chlorine... or so I thought.

Then in 1996, I transitioned to a chemical-free pool system with ECOsmarte. I was one of the early adopters when the company and technology were still new. I loved that there was proven science from the late 1960's NASA space program that now had a practical use for keeping the pool clear and clean. This was 20 years ago and the technology and design have advanced but at its core, it is still largely the same. I still use the ECOsmarte system today. The pool always stays clear and clean and it is easy for me to manage. The best benefit though is my last Lab swam in the pool almost every day and lived a fantastic 14 years. My current dog is 10 years old and still swims in the pool almost every day. I highly recommend ECOsmarte to all my friends and family today as much or more than I did 20 years ago. It just plain works and I know I am making the healthiest choice I can for what I expose my family to (with or without fur). Thank you ECOsmarte!"

-Bill Cushing, owner of Cushing Pools, Florida

Customer's Pool

San Diego, California | Pool

Dear ECOsmarte,

I absolutely LOVE my Chlorine Free pool!!! And all my friends think it’s fabulous too. Especially one of my friends that has an allergic reaction to the chlorinated pool water. She loves to swim in mine.

I have used my ECOsmarte system for 3 pool seasons now and have became spoiled by it - I don't think I would care to swim in any chlorinated pool now!

Thank you so much for a great system and for the replacement copper plate offer.

Brenda Graham

San Diego, California

Western Kentucky | Pool

My ECOsmarte system has been wonderful to work with. My pool water has been clear for six years now. Once the system is learned no one should have any trouble, that is if they follow the instructions. I am 72 years old and if I can do it, anyone can.


George Marov
Western KY

1997 | Connecticut | Pool

We have been extremely pleased with how your product has worked over those years. No chlorine burn to the eyes, no being held hostage to the pool by having to check the chemicals daily. It is really a worthwhile investment. As a former student at Bemidji, 1968, I learned that great things came from Minnesota.

Jeffrey Draleigh

USA Pool, City and Well Water Testimonials